Civic & Humanitarian Leadership Award

First awarded in 2024, the Alumni Civic & Humanitarian Leadership Award recognizes alumni who are significantly improving or enhancing the lives of others. It is presented annually during Charter Day Weekend. Qualified nominees must have received an earned degree (undergraduate or graduate) from William & Mary at least 10 years prior to the awarding. Nominees should demonstrate a strong history in three areas: dedicated service to humanity that exemplifies W&M values; meaningful, positive impact in their communities; and compassionate citizenship that advances the greater good. This nomination should identify examples of each area. It is the intention of the William & Mary Alumni Association that all three areas be evaluated and considered equally in determining exemplary achievement.

Nominations for the Alumni Civic & Humanitarian Leadership Award are accepted throughout the year. However, they must be received by April 1 to be considered for presentation during the next Charter Day weekend. Nominations received after that date will be held for consideration the following year. Once an individual is nominated, he/she will be considered for three years but must be re-nominated to receive consideration following that period.

Please email the CEO of the W&M Alumni Association at with any questions.

Name Class Year Year of Award
Steve McNamee 1981 2024