“Why not?” are the two words that defined Mason Sizemore’s outlook on life.
Born in Halifax, Virginia, in 1941, Mason became a newspaper executive. He graduated in 1963 with a Bachelor of Arts in history, received a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and went on to receive a Master of Business Administration at the University of Washington. Beginning his career as a reporter for the Norfolk Ledger-Star, he ascended through the ranks to be the president and chief operating officer at the Seattle Times, one of the largest afternoon newspapers in the United States, a paper that won two Pulitzer Prizes during his tenure.
Although he moved to the Pacific Northwest, where he was the co-founder of William & Mary’s Seattle alumni chapter, he continued to stay involved with the College — as was evidenced when he was recognized with the W&M Alumni Association’s most prestigious award, the Alumni Medallion.
Mason’s interest and passion in journalism started as a copy editor, business manager, managing editor and editor-in-chief of W&M’s own Flat Hat.
When serving in various roles at the Flat Hat, he always stood up for what he believed was right — as evidenced by a brief expulsion for a weekend for running an editorial criticizing the restriction on academic freedom in light of a ban on controversial speakers.
Mason and his wife, Connie, created the Sizemore Journalism Travel Fund in 2014. This fund provides travel funding for undergraduate students to conduct interviews and research for journalism projects.
In addition, the Sizemores established the H. Mason Sizemore Journalism Fellowship (2261), which provides financial assistance to graduating seniors pursuing an advanced degree in journalism.
Mason will always be remembered for his spirited devotion and love for his alma mater and for his skillful and trusted leadership in the field of journalism.
His legacy lives on through the Order of the White Jacket with the H. Mason Sizemore, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund - OWJ (1180) and scholarship funding provided through the Order of the White Jacket Fund (0579).