Carl was born in the Oklahoma Territory in 1904. He grew up in Newport News and entered William & Mary in 1923. To help finance his education, he worked in the College dining hall and took other part-time jobs as available. Carl graduated with honors in 1927.
During his college years, Carl had many honors and responsibilities and was involved in many activities including Phi Kappa Tau, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Upsilon, Interfraternity Council, the varsity track team, cross country, Honor Court, treasurer of the student body, Flat Hat editor-in-chief, intercollegiate debate team, Phoenix Literary Society and the YMCA cabinet.
After graduation, Carl continued his strong commitment to many forms of community service as a volunteer and community leader on civic boards and commissions, including serving on the William & Mary Board of Visitors, in many ways through his church and by helping to improve the quality of life for others.
There is no better example of Carl’s commitment to improving the lives of others than his volunteer work to create the Order of the White Jacket to provide scholarships for students who were working in food service to help pay for their education. On October 12, 1972, Carl became the first president of the OWJ, holding the position for three years.
Carl enjoyed a 42-year career in newspaper reporting and editing, first with the Virginian-Pilot and for 40 years with Roanoke Times and World News, receiving several awards for his work. During his last 24 years in the industry, he served as editorial page editor. He also took a leave of absence from 1943-1946 to serve as a naval officer during World War II.
A conservative in many of his views, Carl actively promoted many projects designed to improve the quality of life in his communities, his region and the Commonwealth of Virginia. He was in very sense an active civic leader, both during his career and during the 25 years of retirement before his passing in 1994. His role in founding the Order of the White Jacket was among his proudest achievements.
His legacy lives on through the Order of the White Jacket with the M. Carl Andrews Scholarship - OWJ (1623) and scholarship funding provided through the Order of the White Jacket Fund (0579).