Engagement 101

Welcome to Engagement 101! This is a video series designed to explore all the different ways alumni can stay connected with alma mater. Led by Faith Odom ’22, William & Mary’s assistant director for alumni engagement & inclusion initiatives, this series will introduce you to members of the William & Mary Alumni Association and discuss the six Ts of engagement: time, talent, testimony, ties, treasure and trust.

The videos will be released periodically throughout the summer of 2024. Follow us on Instagram at @WMAlumni or YouTube to follow along.

Video One: Introduction
In this video, Faith introduces the six T’s of engagement: time, talent, testimony, ties, treasure and trust. You’ll also hear from special guest Matt Brandon ’92, CEO of the W&M Alumni Association.

Video Two: Time
Giving your time is one of the most valuable ways to give back to William & Mary. There are many opportunities for you to get involved, whether it's mentoring students or writing admission letters. Kelly S. Holdcraft, executive director of alumni success, shares ways to get involved. 


Video Three: Talent
Everyone has talents to share that can improve their community. Renard Miles, executive director of the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement, shows you how you can volunteer and make a difference. You can judge student competitions like the annual hackathon, the Entrepreneurship Hub's Rocket Pitch events or the Internships & Applied Learning Student Showcase. Alternatively, you can be a mentor or offer career coaching for a student interested in your field.


Video Four: Coming Soon